DIY LED Trampoline

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Falcon Heavy Test Flight

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Building earth - an animated map of global weather

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Cassini Burns into Saturn After Grand Finale | Out There

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How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster

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AUTOMATICA - Robots Vs. Music

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SpiegelMining – Reverse Engineering von Spiegel-Online

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This is what happens when you reply to spam

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Object Masking - The Wolf of Wall Street

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Field trip to Mars

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Madeline the Robot Tamer

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Architecture of Radio

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Open Hybrid

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Visualizing Algorithms

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One Hacker Way - Erik Meijer

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GeForce-Powered Augmented Reality Sandbox

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Observation Deck

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Augmented Thrill Ride Project

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MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games

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How 4 Designers Built A Game With 18.4 Quintillion Unique Planets

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Two Trains - Sonification of Income Inequality on the NYC Subway

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Building the first digital life form

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Sonification - The Sound of a Botnet

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Making the most detailed tweet map ever

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Rosetta Mission

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The Concert Programmer

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Turning Docker Tech into a Full Speed Hypervisor

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offshore wind farms could tame hurricanes

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Cinder: A Creative Coding Toolkit

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Using Artificial Intelligence to Write Self-Modifying/Improving Programs

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Clojure – Modern dialect of Lisp

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The Art of Creative Coding

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